This page allows you to donate:
$300/quarterly or
Your generosity will be recognized. Someone will reach out to you once you have made your donation.
IF you wish to receive a charitable tax receipt DO NOT complete this form, first contact our founder [email protected] to learn more.
With your donation, know that your funds go directly to that which is most needed at this time.
We provide:
-> Professional Behavior Intervention and Social and Emotional Support to youth and adults with varying needs; Autism, ADHD, PDA, & Trauma informed care.
-> Safe Transportation to and from events
-> Epic Outdoor Adventures such as Live Action Role Play, Shadow Plays, Storytelling circles and more.
-> Reliable Tools and Resources such as foam swords, gold coins, journals and quests, as well as online global training in our Earth Guides App.
-> Affordable Coaching & Training for Behavior Support Workers, Outdoor Program Leaders and Parents
-> Events by donation to keep it affordable
Thank you for your donation.
When you donate, you will receive a special invitation to join our Earth Guides Portal.
It's an online App where our community of support, practice and training in all things Wilderness, Crafting and Playing. Ideal for adults and mature youth.